Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Red Tree - 1717 Words

The Red Tree is another outstanding book by Australian illustrator and author Shaun Tan. The book published by Hachette Australia in 2001 leads us on one girl’s journey through a dark and confusing path of depression. Although each page contains a few words it is the images that capture the reader’s attention with new objects, images and meanings discovered each time the book is reopened. Shaun Tan has had an impressive illustrative career spanning over fifteen years. He has won various awards as an illustrator on notable books such as ‘The Viewer,’ ‘The Rabbits,’ ‘The Arrival,’ ‘The Lost Thing,’ ‘Tales from Outer Suburbia,’ and ‘The Red Tree (Wikipedia 2011).’ Much of Tan’s inspirations are drawn from the environment around him†¦show more content†¦Students through the process of art appreciation will build connections through the exploration of textures, lines, colour and shape when describing, analysing, interpreting and judging the artworks before them (3 chosen images). They are asked to describe what they see, the artist’s use of colour, lines, shapes and texture. They then move onto analysing; what catches their eye, is the composition balanced and do the paintings look flat or do they have depth. The discussion then progresses onto interpretation where students are able to express what type of emotion they feel when looking at the pictures, perhaps the kind of sounds they might hear if they could step into it, and why they think the artist chose this particular subject to paint and what may have inspired the artist. As a result from this discussion, a class list is made on the board describing the types of design elements and how they can be used to create and emotion artwork. The elements being colour and how it can be used to convey emotions e.g. red for anger, yellow -happiness, orange-warmth, and blue-peace. Also, what kinds of lines there are and ways in which they can be used to create patterns, depth perception, and emotion such as straight, jagged, squiggly, thick, thin repetitive or natural. Shapes are important in giving the artwork structure and purpose and can be geometric, natural, imaginative orShow MoreRelatedOutline Of A Red Black Tree736 Words   |  3 Pages/**Implement Red Black Tree * RedBlackTreeNode Class **/ class RBTNode { RBTNode lChild, rChild; int el; int colour; public RBTNode(int element) { this( element, null, null ); } public RBTNode(int element, RBTNode l, RBTNode r) { lChild = l; rChild = r; el = element; colour = 1; } } /** Class RBTree **/ class RBTree { private RBTNode actual; private RBTNode parent; privateRead MoreJourney - Life of Pi, Journey to the Interior, the Red Tree Essay1482 Words   |  6 Pagesindividuals to extend themselves physically, mentally or emotionally as they face challenges. 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