Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact of Global Terrorism Essay - 1387 Words

Introduction At the moment, terrorism is happening all over the globe ranging from the Middle East to Europe and Latin America and every part of the world. It is now a day to day act happening to innocent citizens of their countries. Terrorism can be caused by quite a number of factors that can affect the activity of terrorism, for example politics is a very good example of factors the can possibly cause a group of people to terrorize against another party or even rebel against their own country. There is no doubt among economists that wars, terrorism and political instability have a significant negative effects on the economies in which they take place. Recent economic literature investigates both the consequences of political violence†¦show more content†¦United States of America Currently America undoubtedly has the highest rate of terrorism and in my opinion is the most dangerous country. The reason behind my opinion is the power that the United States of America possesses and the amount of damage it can do to affect a country is extremely high, and because of this it has many enemies and is targeted by many countries. Locally, America has a very immoral reputation of having many terrorist organizations in which they all fought for a reason, For example the so-called Army Of God was fighting and using brutal ways to end abortion in the united states of America for the reason that during the mid-1990’s abortion violence increased drastically causing some conflicts in the country and thus resulted in the creation of the group which contemplates that they are doing the right thing but instead causing terror in the country and like these terrorist groups, they have all resulted in the loss of America’s good reputation. Continued†¦ Russia Terrorism in Russia has a very long history starting from the Russian empire. Significant terrorist activity has been occurring in Russia throughout the years, most notably Moscow where a terrorist group started by bombing apartments and which was followed by the Moscow theater hostage crisis which also lead to the beslan school crisis where 1100 people including 777 children where held hostage for threeShow MoreRelatedTerrorism And Its Impact On Global Politics1734 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Terrorism has a very significant impact in global politics. The impact on global politics is now more significant than ever before, due to the rise of terrorist organisations such as the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Terrorists use attacks to create chaos and fear in society, forcing global political reactions to control the threat. Fear created through the media is believed to exaggerate the global threat posed by terrorism. 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