Saturday, August 22, 2020

Segmentation and Target Market Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Division and Target Market - Term Paper Example The sun based market of the United States is impressively enormous and is developing at a noteworthy rate. The significant expense of producing power alongside high client interest for vitality and financial instigations from central government has quickened the development of sun oriented market in the United States alongside California. In the year 2009, just about 107,000 new sunlight based warming, refrigeration and sun based electric associations were executed in the United States. Over the long haul, the development open door for this industry is estimated to be very brilliant. The market development of sunlight based items is a consequence of since quite a while ago run augmentation of Investment Tax Credit (ITC) strategy by the government (Sherwood, 2010). California is viewed as one of the most populated states in the United States. It is additionally a presumed state as for the utilization of nearby planetary group. In California, a huge advancement for use of sun powered vitality can be seen in the ongoing occasions. It is normal that by 2030, sunlight based vitality will speak to practically 16% to 18% of all out state vitality utilization. California has the most elevated sunlight based insolation levels in the whole United States. In present days, California represents practically 61% of whole United States’ sunlight based vitality plans. The state has around 27 associations which are engaged with sun based vitality related capacities, including assembling of silicon cells, modules and sun powered chips among others. Accordingly, these sun based showcasing patterns speak to good conditions for promoting the sun oriented results of XYZ Company (Barber, 2003). So as to build up any advertising arrangement, the monetary condition must be considered as it can decide the likelihood of achievement or disappointment of the item in the market. The Californian economy is driven by three significant segments which are innovation, fares and cordiality. California was considered as the ninth greatest economy on the planet in 2010. As for size, the Californian economy is found out to be the second best in contrast with Brazil.

Friday, August 21, 2020

MKT Assignment 01 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MKT Assignment 01 - Essay Example Weave Iger has set a case of fantastic initiative alongside Steve Jobs and Hervey Weinstein. These enhancements included buying Pixar, Miramax and now as of late Marvel. What makes this arrangement a significant eye-opener is the adjustment in Disney's viewpoint as an amusement studio for small kids. Where, procurement of Marvel acquaints Disney with an increasingly experienced market which includes adolescents and grown-ups also. Examiners see the arrangement in an extremely positive light as the two organizations have mainstream marks and are similarly settled. It likewise brings a lot of interest how Disney intends to carry Marvel characters and blend in with Disney characters, or make their quality in Disney amusement parks and motion pictures. This article clarifies a superb case of a strategy in worldwide market section methodologies which is mergers and acquisitions. In spite of the fact that Marvel and Disney have a place with comparable national limits, their worldwide arrive at makes them not interested in culture contrasts and national limits. The article first features past showcasing adventures, for example, gaining Pixar energized studios, which drew out an all the more thriving yield for market of more youthful youngsters, for example, Toy Story and Finding Nemo. Sway Iger then made a significant stride of gaining Marvel Entertainment which is additionally an aberrant contender of Disney. There were two things that propel Bob Iger to settle on an increasingly dangerous choice. Right off the bat, Pixar made four discharges since securing from Disney that earned $ 2 billion in overall ticket deals. Besides, Marvel made a significant accomplishment from the film Iron Man, expanding their fairly estimated worth throu gh ubiquity. This fame permitted wonder to auction at a critical premium market value, an advantage which would not have come without significant triumphs, for example, Iron Man and X-Men. The article features a significant model with respect to how organizations survey valuation before striking a significant business bargain. One of the potential difficulties in universal promoting of Disney originates from their objective market. The properties of Disney's market is youthful and beneath or early adolescent contrasted with Marvel and this may conflict with Disney's current image picture as an amusement creation just for kids. Disney may decide to take the two organizations independently, giving no indication of any connection between brands of either organization, however the obtaining brings monstrous chances. Procurement of Marvel will permit Disney to connect with a bigger market under their area without influencing its own image picture. Hypotheses guarantee that Disney may likewise accept the open door of taking characters from both the organizations and bring out progressively inventive blends in their coming films, which ventures colossal benefits with as much hazard. The article finishes up in any case, this is a success win approach for both the organizations as it widens their chances for future motion pictures as well as the advantage of sharing assets for future creations. Worldwide market section systems additionally help in contending with rival organizations, for example, for this situation, Time Warner. Time Warner anyway made a significant merger with AOL which currently makes them the world's biggest media and amusement combination, attributable to its huge number of auxiliaries. Two of numerous AOL Time Warner auxiliaries are Warner Bros. Amusement and DC funnies which are immediate contenders of Disney Entertainment and

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Southern Comfort Movie Review - 550 Words

Southern Comfort (Movie Review Sample) Content: AuthorTutorCourseDateSouthern ComfortIntroductionSouthern Comfort can be described as a thrilling movie that is without no doubt menacing. It leaves the viewer uncomfortably tense from the start to the finish with its storyline flowing. The movie is eye catching in the sense that the underlying story stays with you for a long time because it is intriguing. Set in Bayous, Louisiana in the year 1973, the story begins with a National Guards squad who come across the anger of the locals (Cajun people) while training. This resulted in fighting for survival in the forest and swamps becoming a huge threat to the National Guards. The plot of the film bears a close resemblance with the Vietnam war where troops of soldiers were sent to unknown territories and since they are not well prepared, they eventually get hunted by locals because of the home ground advantage. I believe the theme behind the movie is that of survival in remote areas where the locals turn against a group of people. The film starts with the troops navigating through the thick bayou trees creating a unique atmosphere.Bayou, Louisiana is a swampy-forested place full of natural sounds like birds squawking, creating a tension maintained in the entire film. The natural sound could be heard even during violent scenes creating an atmosphere that implies that even Bayou itself is a living thing. This is supported by the drowning of one of the National Guard in the quicksand. The weather in the film is not so favorable, there being a time when fog emerged during a fierce fight the only sound being used was the baleful sound of the wind blowing. The local Cajun culture represents a culture shock by the National Guard who have never come across such people. The contact with the local culture leads to the death of the captain leaving the squad to be headed by another who was weak and was not respected. The film portrayed a theme of lack of authority as the new leader of the troop fails to control the team degenerating into many reckless and irresponsible behaviors. Two members of the squad come out as voices of reason getting sympathy only that they have to defy laws to survive.I believe laws are the ultimate rules and regulations that must be followed however; laws do not apply in the Bayou. There is complete freedom in the forest this implying that the fact that the troop is from the National Guard means nothing. One of the members of the troop argues that they are well trained in the military. His comment was mocked considering how disorderly they had become with all the fights within them and the lack of respe... Southern Comfort Movie Review - 550 Words Southern Comfort (Movie Review Sample) Content: AuthorTutorCourseDateSouthern ComfortIntroductionSouthern Comfort can be described as a thrilling movie that is without no doubt menacing. It leaves the viewer uncomfortably tense from the start to the finish with its storyline flowing. The movie is eye catching in the sense that the underlying story stays with you for a long time because it is intriguing. Set in Bayous, Louisiana in the year 1973, the story begins with a National Guards squad who come across the anger of the locals (Cajun people) while training. This resulted in fighting for survival in the forest and swamps becoming a huge threat to the National Guards. The plot of the film bears a close resemblance with the Vietnam war where troops of soldiers were sent to unknown territories and since they are not well prepared, they eventually get hunted by locals because of the home ground advantage. I believe the theme behind the movie is that of survival in remote areas where the locals turn against a group of people. The film starts with the troops navigating through the thick bayou trees creating a unique atmosphere.Bayou, Louisiana is a swampy-forested place full of natural sounds like birds squawking, creating a tension maintained in the entire film. The natural sound could be heard even during violent scenes creating an atmosphere that implies that even Bayou itself is a living thing. This is supported by the drowning of one of the National Guard in the quicksand. The weather in the film is not so favorable, there being a time when fog emerged during a fierce fight the only sound being used was the baleful sound of the wind blowing. The local Cajun culture represents a culture shock by the National Guard who have never come across such people. The contact with the local culture leads to the death of the captain leaving the squad to be headed by another who was weak and was not respected. The film portrayed a theme of lack of authority as the new leader of the troop fails to control the team degenerating into many reckless and irresponsible behaviors. Two members of the squad come out as voices of reason getting sympathy only that they have to defy laws to survive.I believe laws are the ultimate rules and regulations that must be followed however; laws do not apply in the Bayou. There is complete freedom in the forest this implying that the fact that the troop is from the National Guard means nothing. One of the members of the troop argues that they are well trained in the military. His comment was mocked considering how disorderly they had become with all the fights within them and the lack of respe...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Red Tree - 1717 Words

The Red Tree is another outstanding book by Australian illustrator and author Shaun Tan. The book published by Hachette Australia in 2001 leads us on one girl’s journey through a dark and confusing path of depression. Although each page contains a few words it is the images that capture the reader’s attention with new objects, images and meanings discovered each time the book is reopened. Shaun Tan has had an impressive illustrative career spanning over fifteen years. He has won various awards as an illustrator on notable books such as ‘The Viewer,’ ‘The Rabbits,’ ‘The Arrival,’ ‘The Lost Thing,’ ‘Tales from Outer Suburbia,’ and ‘The Red Tree (Wikipedia 2011).’ Much of Tan’s inspirations are drawn from the environment around him†¦show more content†¦Students through the process of art appreciation will build connections through the exploration of textures, lines, colour and shape when describing, analysing, interpreting and judging the artworks before them (3 chosen images). They are asked to describe what they see, the artist’s use of colour, lines, shapes and texture. They then move onto analysing; what catches their eye, is the composition balanced and do the paintings look flat or do they have depth. The discussion then progresses onto interpretation where students are able to express what type of emotion they feel when looking at the pictures, perhaps the kind of sounds they might hear if they could step into it, and why they think the artist chose this particular subject to paint and what may have inspired the artist. As a result from this discussion, a class list is made on the board describing the types of design elements and how they can be used to create and emotion artwork. The elements being colour and how it can be used to convey emotions e.g. red for anger, yellow -happiness, orange-warmth, and blue-peace. Also, what kinds of lines there are and ways in which they can be used to create patterns, depth perception, and emotion such as straight, jagged, squiggly, thick, thin repetitive or natural. Shapes are important in giving the artwork structure and purpose and can be geometric, natural, imaginative orShow MoreRelatedOutline Of A Red Black Tree736 Words   |  3 Pages/**Implement Red Black Tree * RedBlackTreeNode Class **/ class RBTNode { RBTNode lChild, rChild; int el; int colour; public RBTNode(int element) { this( element, null, null ); } public RBTNode(int element, RBTNode l, RBTNode r) { lChild = l; rChild = r; el = element; colour = 1; } } /** Class RBTree **/ class RBTree { private RBTNode actual; private RBTNode parent; privateRead MoreJourney - Life of Pi, Journey to the Interior, the Red Tree Essay1482 Words   |  6 Pagesindividuals to extend themselves physically, mentally or emotionally as they face challenges. This understanding of mine has been shaped by the novel Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel, ‘Journey to the Interior’, a poem by Margaret Atwood and The Red Tree, a picture book by Shaun Tan. Yann Martel, Margaret Atwood and Shaun Tan use various techniques such as extended metaphors, symbolism, imagery and figurative language to show how journeys lead to self discovery and they are the only way one willRead MoreSymbols And Themes Of The Red Badge Of Courage By Stephen Crane872 Words   |  4 Pages Symbols Help Understand The Theme Symbols and themes play a major role in understanding novels. The symbols and themes can help with getting a better understanding of the novel. A novel that has many symbols is a novel called The Red Badge Of Courage. The author of the novel is Stephen Crane and the genre is historical fiction. In the novel the main character is Henry Fleming. Henry is also known as The Youth. Henry joins the Union in the Civil War. Henry joined the army to have glory. 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Elephants feed off of both the Red oat grass and the Acacia tree. These two are very important for the elephant because elephants are herbivores and without the leaves and grasses they would starve. The elephant doesn’t look for shelter under a rock or in a cave so the grass is nice for them if they rest there or if they decide to rest under the Acacia tree they can get food andRead MoreAnalysis Of Gris Grimly s Frankenstein And My Related Text993 Words   |  4 Pages‘The Red Tree’, identity is never illustrated as static. But what is identity? Identity is the way that someone sees themselves, or the way that someone perceives others. It is an idea that, in the core text and related text, does not stay the same. Changing identity is a key element in both the graphic novel and picture book, as the characters develop over time and they discover their true selves. In Frankenstein (published in 2013, about a creator of life regretting his decisions) and The Red TreeRead MoreCharacteristics And Characteristics Of The Species1103 Words   |  5 Pagesa. List its common name, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species Common name is Red Tailed Catfish: Kingdom- Animalia, Phylum- Chordata, Class- Actinopterygii, Order- Siluriformes, Family-Pimelodidae, Genus: Phractocephalus, and Species: hemioliopterus. b. Which pre-mating isolating mechanisms does this species use? Ecological isolation. Individuals mate in their preferred habitat, and therefore do not meet individuals of other species with different ecological preferencesRead MoreBelonging Essay - 2 Related Texts1078 Words   |  5 PagesLurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroom by Baz Lurhmann, The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Impact of Global Terrorism Essay - 1387 Words

Introduction At the moment, terrorism is happening all over the globe ranging from the Middle East to Europe and Latin America and every part of the world. It is now a day to day act happening to innocent citizens of their countries. Terrorism can be caused by quite a number of factors that can affect the activity of terrorism, for example politics is a very good example of factors the can possibly cause a group of people to terrorize against another party or even rebel against their own country. There is no doubt among economists that wars, terrorism and political instability have a significant negative effects on the economies in which they take place. Recent economic literature investigates both the consequences of political violence†¦show more content†¦United States of America Currently America undoubtedly has the highest rate of terrorism and in my opinion is the most dangerous country. The reason behind my opinion is the power that the United States of America possesses and the amount of damage it can do to affect a country is extremely high, and because of this it has many enemies and is targeted by many countries. Locally, America has a very immoral reputation of having many terrorist organizations in which they all fought for a reason, For example the so-called Army Of God was fighting and using brutal ways to end abortion in the united states of America for the reason that during the mid-1990’s abortion violence increased drastically causing some conflicts in the country and thus resulted in the creation of the group which contemplates that they are doing the right thing but instead causing terror in the country and like these terrorist groups, they have all resulted in the loss of America’s good reputation. Continued†¦ Russia Terrorism in Russia has a very long history starting from the Russian empire. Significant terrorist activity has been occurring in Russia throughout the years, most notably Moscow where a terrorist group started by bombing apartments and which was followed by the Moscow theater hostage crisis which also lead to the beslan school crisis where 1100 people including 777 children where held hostage for threeShow MoreRelatedTerrorism And Its Impact On Global Politics1734 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Terrorism has a very significant impact in global politics. The impact on global politics is now more significant than ever before, due to the rise of terrorist organisations such as the Islamic State and al-Qaeda. Terrorists use attacks to create chaos and fear in society, forcing global political reactions to control the threat. Fear created through the media is believed to exaggerate the global threat posed by terrorism. Terrorism is able to dramatically change the scope of global politicsRead MoreTerrorism And International Business Research1130 Words   |  5 PagesSadly, terrorism permeates everyday society, and the intensifying impact of terrorism on international business is a global phenomenon with heightening implications for both theory and practice. This research paper is a novel exploratory study of how international businesses apply past terrorism exposure and experience from operating in risky locations to create organizational preparedness and performance resilience to endure future terrorist attacks. The unique firm level research provides a theoreticalRead MoreTerrorism Is Very Real For Mnes Essay1233 Words   |  5 PagesSadly, terrorism permeates everyday society, and the intensifying impact of terrorism on international business is a global phenomenon with implications for both theory and practice. The research question addressed by this exploratory study is how international businesses apply past terrorism exposure and experience from operating in risky locations to create organizational preparedness and performance resilience to absorb and endure future terrorist attacks. This paper contributes to the internationalRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1586 Words   |  7 Pagesmany global threats around us. World is not like heaven. We need to face many problems in our life. We have some global risk also. This year has been a notably rough year. Some of the worst threats make our people more worried. Many researchers and writers are writing about the biggest threats of the world. Several reports are also made to understand the recent global threats. In order to write something about the recent global threats, one word comes to our mind that is terrorism. TerrorismRead MoreImpact of Terrorism in Pakistan1628 Words   |  7 PagesImpact of Terrorism in Pakistan In lieu of unlawful violence to inculcate fear and increase coercion, terrorism has become a trending topic in the world today. Pakistan, a country in South Asia bordered by Afghanistan and India has been a country worthy of speculation due to the rate of terrorism and tribal wars that have quickly taken over the country. The sporadic effects of these attacks have begun to shatter what used to be one of Asia’s fastest growing economies. Impact on GDP Pakistan’sRead MoreThe Bombing Of The United States1168 Words   |  5 PagesSeptember eleven 2001 two planes were highjacked and flown into the twin towers as a suicide mission. This was the first major terrorist attack on the United States. Terrorism has taken so many innocent lives. Its an issue we deal with on a daily basis. Because of this, President George Bush took extreme measures and was very successful on the global war on terror. He made multiple changes to laws and regulations to help keep American citizens safe. Despite the extreme measures former president George BushRead MoreThe Four Major Threats to the Global Community and the Planet1332 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Global Threats Introduction Mr. President, as I see it, there are four major threats to the global community and the planet that should be of immediate and utmost concern, and they are: a) Environmental challenges (global climate change and the environmental degradation that will result from the warming of the planet); b) Global Security / Terrorism (the unpredictable and undisciplined application of military power due to the changing nature of nations and states, e.g., terrorism, weapons of massRead MoreGlobal Warming And Terrorism : Terrorism971 Words   |  4 Pages Global warming and terrorism are two transnational problems that states face in the 21st century. Globalization has brought the attention of the entire world to come together to solve the issues of collective goods for the betterment of mankind. The effects of man-made global warming and terrorism - mainly suicide terrorism, are certainly challenges that call for solutions. When solving terrorism, states must invest heavily in homeland security in order to send a powerful message towards terroristRead MoreNobody Understands Terrorism Better Than The Citizens Of Pakistan Do1586 Words   |  7 PagesNobody understands terrorism better than the citizens of Pakistan do. It’s been plaguing us since the soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, and Pakistan’s significant role in it, and more so, after the 9/11 fiasco that we won’t ever live down, it would seem. While terrorism happens to be a global issue, Pakistan has had to bear the brunt of it a lot of the times. A quick research on this topic will invariably bring about the same results, papers, thoughts, etc. those being; the last decade or twoRead MoreAnalysis Of C. Christine Fair And Bryan Shepherd s Research Note1567 Words   |  7 Pagesupon demand for terrorism (also known as support) to address empirical lacunae in exploring detailed demographic and psychographic variables among fourteen countries with predominantly Muslim populations or with large Muslim minorities in 2002. Whereas many of previous research focused upon the supply of terrorist work force and the shared characteristics of terrorists, the present research note represents a quantitative effort to understand the segments of the demand for terrorism. The research note

Kfc Research free essay sample

I started my research in one of the most popular fast food restaurant which is KFC and it’s located in Tesco Nilai, Seremban. That day, I reached there around one o’clock in the afternoon and going to have my lunch at KFC also. I used to be there in afternoon as most of the customers or crowd will be there due to the lunch value in KFC. Tesco KFC was crowded and occupied with people as it was peak hours for lunch and most of them are workers from nearby shop lots in Tesco. When I’m having my meal, I started to investigate and observe the actual performance of all the employees including manager or others staff in order to determine the type of classical approach that we are going to discuss in this report. I will spend around 3 hours there in order to make an accurate observation for this report. We will write a custom essay sample on Kfc Research or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Tesco KFC is just on our left hand side when we step into the front door of Tesco Nilai. This branch is considering a little bit smaller than other branches of KFC. In my observation, there were 5 counters placed in order to serve customers for order and payment. However, there was a huge crowd lining in front of it to make their orders. Some of them are queuing patiently while others may be annoyed because the queue was too long due to the limited counters are available. Later, manager came suddenly and he started to give command to the employees. He was standing behind the counter and guiding the female employees to serve the customers. After that, he walked into the kitchen and checked over all the machines. Few minutes later, he started to divide works for all the male employees whose are working inside the kitchen and the female employees are standing at the counter to serve customers. Based on Henri Fayol’s principle of management, division of work are applied in this case. This principle presented work specialization as the best way to use the human resources of the organization. All the employees focus on their own work and perform the best results. Besides that, Unity of Command also applied in the aforesaid case. All the employees are leaded by the manager and obeyed to the instructions of the manager. However, there are some improvements for the service of Tesco KFC. First and foremost, the service in KFC is lacked of efficiency and takes times to make an order. Based on my observation, it took an average 6 minutes for a customer to make their orders, payments, and take away their foods. It takes a long times and easily caused a long queue during the peak period especially lunch hours. Based on Henri Fayol’s principles of management, manager used to be initiative to give any command or take actions. In this case, manager has to make sure that more counters are available in order to serve their customers with more efficiency and effective. Besides that, some of the employees in Tesco KFC are busying on their own staff especially SMS and chatting around. During the peak hours, I can easily see that there were few workers of Tesco KFC standing in the corner pressing their phone and chat with each other. There were only limited workers serving in the only two counters and that’s the main reason caused a long queue in KFC. Based on Henri Fayol’s principles of management, discipline plays an important role in this case. All the workers should be disciple to do their own works and follow the instructions of the manager as well. If the principle of discipline can be applied well, customers no need to waste their time to queue. Also, all the works can be done easily, more efficiency, and more effective. Last but not least, some of the workers especially female workers who are working in front of the counters will show their frustrated and annoyed feeling when they were serving the customers. This is because that they started to feel boring and tired on their works. This problem has to be solved as the feeling of customers will be affected if the employees served with poor services. Based on Henri Fayol’s principles of management, Espirit De Corps principle used to be applied in this case. Manager responsible to general good feelings among the employees and try their best to motivate them in order to come out with best performances. As a conclusion, Henri Fayol’s principle of management considers as a relevant guide and plays an important role to product managing staff. Besides that, this principle also contributed to boost the growth of an organization and have a great impact on managing a business. Hence, this principle is applied on Tesco KFC and creates a better managing system in order to provide better service with more efficient and effective.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Plato Essays (675 words) - Socratic Dialogues, Philosophy Of Love

Plato Plato How do we know if love is a god or just a little baby we call cupid that flies around during Valentines? Plato's Symposium is a piece of work that is dedicated to Eros the god of love. I choose to disuse Agathon's and Socrates's speeches because they are both similar in subject, but opposite in opinion. Socrates's ideas on Eros, identify him as a spirit in-between beauty and good. He is also in-between love and knowledge. In Socrates's form of Eros, Eros is not seen as a god who is contrary to Agathon's speech. I defend Socrates because his ideas are thought out and argued in Symposium. Socortes's speech starts out with a wise women named Diotima. She tells him how Eros came to be, she states that Eros was conceived on Aphdites birthday ?that's why he is also by nature a lover of beauty, because Aphrodite herself is especially beautiful? (203C). Socrates added to this by saying since knowledge is beautiful and he is a lover of beauty he also is a philospilla. Eros then desire's and seeks knowledge just as all human beings do. Finally since he seeks similar wants and needs as humans do, he is not a god but in-between the heavens and the earth as Socrates puts it he is a ?great spirit? (202E). Agathon view of Eros is completely different, he focus on his dominance as a god. He states that Eros is the youngest god, he points this out by saying there was Gavaldon 2 war with the gods but it ceased when Eros was present. Agathon than says that he has a hold on the gods because they themselves are in love. Since he is so supreme he is the creator of everything fair and good on earth. If Eros is both young and beautiful, he also has a hold on other gods from the effects of love. Agathon concludes Eros is the creator of everything good and fair. Thus Agathon states that Eros is the King of the Gods. Socrates and Agathon speeches come up with the extreme conclusion that the two give an in-depth look on the intentions and the roles Eros plays in our world. While Agthon says that Eros is beauty, Socrates goes the opposite way stating, Eros is only the lover of beauty, therefore he is not beautiful, because if you have someone who is beautiful he doesn't seek beauty. Socrates uses knowledge and refers it to humans and gives the statement that Eros requires knowledge as well as beauty just as mortals do. They try to prove that Eros is in-between immortality and moral, though Agothon boasts that Eros in fact is the supreme ruler of the gods, presuming god is in fact immortal. These two men Agathon and Socrates' in the dialogues of Symposium have strong arguments, yet I find that I agree with Socrates rather than Agathon's happy go lucky world of bliss. Socrates premises are straightforward. He gives you surrounding information-disproving Agathon as he goes in the dialogue. As Socrates explains one idea as he leads into the other and intertwines them to a Gavaldon 3 conclusion. Yet, Agathon seems set on a easy explanation of Eros. As he goes along his speech he gives reasons on why Eros is the god but only to keep referring on the fact that Eros is beautiful and young. I defend Socrates' because he gave a better description as well as step by step of Agathon speech in Symposium. Agathon's speech to me seemed he was caught up it enchantism rather than giving an argument and concluding it as Socrates did in his speech. Socrates speech was well spoken because he had all the elements for a good speech. First he gave the impression that another person was responsible for the words that he spoke. Then he told us the origin of Eros, and then proceeded to fill in the rest that Agathon has left out in his speech of the god of love. Philosophy Essays