Thursday, November 28, 2019

Donner Company Essay Example

Donner Company Paper The company has specialized in making circuit boards for experimental devices and for pilot production runs. The basic work process can be divided into three important stages preparation, image transfer and fabrication. The companys president Edward Plumper believes that the company is more adept than its competitors at anticipating and resolving problems inherent in new designs and prototype production techniques due to highly skillful employees with substantial experience that the company has employed. It supplies the schoolmarm over bare copper (SMOOCH) boards under the made-to-order setup, resulting in high variety but low volume and the company charging a premium on its boards. However, this competitive edge has been compromised due to problems being faced in terms of productivity (caused bottlenecks, shifting bottlenecks and improper utilization of labor), quality of the product being manufactured (high rate of product return has been a major problem), and problems associated with the delivery of the final order (most of the shipments are dispatched towards the end of the month). These problems have begun to hamper the overall performance of the firm, and the management has started evaluating the companys position and different strategic policies to overcome those problems. Process Flower process comprises of 3 distinct stages: Preparation of image, Image transfer on the laminate panel and Fabrication into desired profile (size and shape). At the end of the fabrication stage, the circuit boards are inspected, checked and packed, and stored for dispatch in racks of 20 panels. We will write a custom essay sample on Donner Company specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Donner Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Donner Company specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Although some operations are modified for several orders each week depending on customer requirements, a typical work cycle is shown below. Donned had invested $80,000 in buying a technologically advanced CNN machine to perform the drilling and router functions. These processes can also be performed annually, hence, it becomes extremely important to decide when to use the machine and when to perform the action manually. During the drilling step of Image Transfer stage, the standard process involves the use of either automated CNN Drill or Manual drill to complete this step. Both these drills differ in terms of their setup and run times. For the profiling step of Fabrication, either Punch Press or automated CNN Router can be deployed for the process depending on the number of circuit boards in the order. We have done the breakable point analysis to decide the objective criteria for the use of the drills as well as profilers. Breakable point analysis Table 1 : Image Transfer stage: Drilling (CNN Drill vs.. Manual drill) CNN Drill Manual Drill Set up time for 1 order 240 15 Run time per hole (1 circuit board has 500 drilled holes) 0. 04 0. 08 Number of circuit boards N N Total time (setup time + Run time) 1 Breakable point: 240 + = 1 5 + N = 5. 92-6 Hence, we conclude that for orders with 6 or lesser units of circuit boards, there is no need to use the CNN machine for drilling purpose: Manual drilling will suffice. For orders above 6 units, the use of CNN drill will reduce the processing time as compared to manual drilling. Hence, in such a scenario it mak es more sense to employ CNN machine in the drilling process. Table 2 : Fabrication stage: Profiling (CNN Router vs.. Punch Press) CNN Router Punch Press Set up time for 1 order 150 50 Run time per circuit board 0. 5 1 Number of circuit boards N N Total time (Setup time + Run time) 150+0. 5*N 50+1 *N 200 Breakable point: 150+ 0. 5*N = 50+ As can be observed from the calculation above, the CNN Router should be put into use when the number of circuit boards is greater than 200 whereas Manual Drilling should be employed when the order size involves lesser than 200 circuit boards orders. This decision will prove economical for Donned both in terms of costs and processing times. However, we loosely analyze Exhibit 2 (mentioned in the case), to calculate the implied utilization of the CNN machine for drilling. Stage Demand (in hrs) Capacity (in hrs) Implied Utilization CNN Drill, Image Transfer 196 20*8 = 160 196/160 = 122. 5 % Assuming, no. Of working days in a month = 20; No. Of working hours per day = 8 Table 4 This utilization of CNN drill (100%) for orders of circuit boards more than 100 shows that it will not be feasible to use it for smaller orders (greater than 6) Bottleneck Analysis We analyses the Dry Film Photocopies operation to identify the bottleneck in the recess. It is very important to understand the true capacity of any process in order to prevent bottlenecks and enable uniform distribution of work load across stages. If we assume that the maximum number of circuit boards that the photocopies area can accommodate is only 50, Donned should ensure that no more than 50 units reach it from the drilling stage. Orders with more than 50 units will result in creation of a bottleneck at the Photocopies stage and the efficiency of the entire manufacturing process stands to be compromised because of the pile up of the work. Because of the existence of multiple steps during this stage (with separate set up and run times), it is critical to analyses each step in detail to identify the creation of bottleneck. In Appendix B, we calculate the capacity of each stage for 8, 80, 800 circuit boards. No. Of boards 8 80 800 panel prep 738. 46 5485. 71 15360 Laminate and Expose 174. 54 960 1745. 45 Develop 190. 099 1745. 45 9600 Table 5 We can see from the above table that the capacity of the laminate and expose operation is varying depending on the number of circuit boards in the order size. This is creating inconsistency in identifying bottle neck in the process. Productivity It is difficult to evaluate the shop productivity precisely, the production bottleneck shifted daily from one operation to another resulting from differences in order size, from orders bypassing some operations , due the differences in circuit designs and the four-day rush orders (3 such orders per week). Thus, a number of machines were idle more often than expected (they ran at low capacity), pointing to process design inefficiency. Some of the major issues identified are: Time spend in reworking parts that failed inspection or were returned was not included The time squired for moving the boards between operations was also not reflected in the cycle time this resulted from the current layout of the operations in the plant Due to huge uncertainty, it is difficult to predict productivity precisely. Several machines were idle more often than expected and the time schedule did not include time spent reworking parts which failed inspection and returned by customers. The Job methods used for production have a scope of improvement and time standards are not feasible for any Job on the shop. The machining operations are kept isolated and separate from etching, plating and imaging. This is because the plating and etching processes release acid vapors, which may lead to corrosion of machine tools. Similarly, the machining operations create dust and affect the other processes. Due to such isolation, time taken between these processes/ stages is high. The operation is sequential in nature. However, for drilling operations, the management hasnt done a breakable analysis to choose between manual labor or to use the CNN machine for the same purpose. No effective Job improvements and constant shifting of workers from Job to Job and other immediate problems. Raw materials are currently simmered for fulfilling expedited orders. This may lead to an order remaining as a Work in Progress (WIPE) order, in the firms manufacturing stream for longer duration than necessary. This is further delayed as it requires another shipment that is now consumed by rush orders. Recommendations: The distance between the Machining and Plating divisions should be minimized as a lot of in-process time goes in between. However, in order to ensure that the other processes are not affected by acid vapors and dust, physical barriers such as partitions or vapor resistant screens can be used. This will serve the purpose, and at the same time will reduce the time spent in between. Donned Company should focus on completing small orders for Smocks. This will help enhance productivity gains, optimum labor utilization and improved quality assurance as the firm possesses both the experience and confidence to assure a high degree of success. Small orders do not require frequent changes in design and hence can thoroughly reduce the Work in Progress. Focusing on only small-volume orders would require the firm to increase their raw material inventory levels and well-planned and timely acquiring, but would also decrease the inefficiency of the raw material simmering process from hampering the entire process altogether. The idle time of labor can also be reduced as such orders will utilize the high skill-sets of the Donned employees. Moreover, by making such uniform order types will make it much more sustainable for the firm to plan resources and share information. Quality This factor was critical to increase the sales volume and recently the company has faced failures in maintaining the quality standards. Some of the major issues identified are: Customer returns increased from 1% to 3%, nine-tenths of which was because of failure to complete mom of the required operations. Failure to formally define quality from the customers end this resulted in sometimes bad shipments being accepted and the good ones being rejected 7% of the boards were rejected at the pre-shipment inspection stage (as of September), 6% of which were because of incomplete operations and then reworked. Recommendations: No formal inspection standard was available: A standard order with design specifications like tolerance etc. Must be taken from the customer during order placement. These order instructions must be followed unanimously across the production line by different workers. This will reduce the loss of one tenth of boards that had been returned because they were out of tolerance. 6% of 7% boards returned because Donned had missed or failed to complete one or two of the required operations: This is due to lack of information coordination between different workers handling various operations. Currently at Donned, until a Job was shipped, the factory order and blueprint were kept by Flattery who gave them to any worker requiring information. This may lead to loss of vital information among workers regarding the order process. Hence, a structured process flow consisting all operations must be communicated by David Flattery to the four assistant supervisors who spent about 10% of their time instructing the workers. These assistant supervisors must ensure that this process flow is maintained and all operations are performed. The inspection at the last stage must ensure all the specifications mentioned by the customer in the order manual are satisfied. Delivery The company promised to deliver boards order within 3 weeks and orders greater than 1000 circuit boards within 5 weeks of placing the order. But the orders were being delayed by more than a week because of some of the issues identified low: The current shipping policy of the company emphasized on clearing all the work out of the shop prior to the end of each month and thus the shipments were mostly done in the second half of each month No inventory was kept by the company, thus for each new order that was logged in searching for the raw material took 2 days and procurement of the same took 4 days. Small interruptions with regular operations were created by the 4-day rush orders and the small orders (8 circuit boards or less) being routed through Arthur Defied 25% of the delays due to design re- specification / hold Recommendations Shipping policy existent exerts pressure on quality delivered: Current shipping policy of Donned is heavily loaded in the last week of a month. Since the new orders are typically taken in the start of the month with a promise of three week delivery and 6% out of 7% rejected products are shipped again within two-three days, most of the shipping happens in the last week of the month.

Monday, November 25, 2019

American Dream Essay Example

American Dream Essay Example American Dream Essay American Dream Essay American Dream BY millimeter The American Dream Looking at society today, the American Dream is a hoax; it is a belief that exists only in our imagination, trying to keep people on track and in the right direction. In past years, the American Dream was not only a belief but a promise to the American people. A promise that if you worked hard, went to school and got a degree, you were promised a good Job which in turn brought you wealth, a nice house, a full family, and all the click © ideas of the perfect life. These days, these ideas will remain thoughts and dreams unless you take on a different course of action; or at least do ore in addition to attending school. You can no longer attend college, come out debt free, knowing you have a supportive Job to begin your life ahead. The majority of college students today graduate with anywhere from ask to kick in debt, and some arent able to pick up a good Job immediately. Not all are able to lower their monthly payments to only 20 or 40 dollars a month until its paid off. Others have to pay upward around 400 dollars a month Just for student loans, that doesnt include your house payment, car payment, and any other bills or expenses one faces after graduation. My goal in life is to be successful. In my head, success only comes in having what I want, and being debt free. Already I have ask in student loans because I attended Ohio State University my freshman year of school. I transferred to Columbus State because I have intentions on possibly going into education with my chemistry degree. Had I continued through Ohio State, I know for a fact there would be no possibility of me overcoming my debt in the early stages of my adult life. I refuse to look for an American dream. Its not possible anymore and it doesnt exist. People used to look at life and how they could be successful. Now, Americans are on the defense and look at life and how they are going to make a good living without incurring more debt than they can handle, and if really lucky, no debt at all. We are afraid. Afraid of what is happening in the United States, and afraid of our future. Theres no way to get ahead in anything if youre consistently on the defense. But unfortunately, our nation has made it nearly impossible to stay on the offensive side because its now too easy to fall at any moment, no matter where you are in life.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion a solution to the problem of protecting endangered species Essay

Discussion a solution to the problem of protecting endangered species - Essay Example Humans must realize that we are not the only creatures which use the world. Many species of animals are all around us, and sometimes our activities destroy the specialized habitats that these animals need in order to live, produce young, and have enough to eat. In the case of the right whales, conservationists recognized a need to preserve this rare and beautiful animal which was hunted nearly to extinction before being protected. Once protected, human activities were still killing the whales. The shippers did not have to entirely eliminate using the Bay as a port, but changing the routes to avoid the places where the whales spent their time meant that continued human activity would not continue to destroy the endangered species. This example shows that it is possible for conservationists, activists, industry and government to work together toward a common goal. Sometimes activists would like to completely prevent industry from exploiting natural resources, and sometimes industry does not make wise choices and completely destroys the habitats of endangered animals. The result of the small change in the Bay of Fundy was a record number of right whale births in 2009, which is a big step toward rebuilding the population of this endangered species. Small changes lead to big changes when humans pay attention to their

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Investment management strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Investment management strategies - Essay Example The correlation coefficient between the daily stock return in each portfolio is also calculated and combined with the standard deviations in a covariance matrix to calculate the variance and standard deviation for each portfolio. Sensitivity analysis is also carried out by changing the weights of each stock in the portfolio to see how the performance changes. The variance and thus the standard deviation are far more difficult to calculate because the variance of a portfolio is not simply a weighted average of the individual variances of the stocks included in the portfolio except for the special case where the individual stock returns are uncorrelated with one another. The variance for a two stock portfolio is given by: We need to set up a covariance matrix to bordered covariance matrix to be able to calculate the 1variance and standard deviation for a portfolio of more than two stocks. For a three stock portfolio the bordered covariance matrix can be written as follows (Bodie et al., 2002): The portfolio variance is calculated from the above nine terms by multiplying the bordered weights by the corresponding covariance and then summing the different terms. The standard deviation is calculated by taking the square root of the variance. From the table above, the variance is given by: (3) and the standard deviation of the portfolio is given by: (4) The covariance matrix in table 1 above can be extended to any number of stocks. Haven discussed how to calculate the expected return on portfolio, the variance and standard deviation; we now apply the above models to the U.S and Australian portfolios. Std. Dev (%) Ave Ret (%) Citi Group Inc. 3.58 -0.03 American Express 2.99 0.26 Motorola Inc 2.25 -0.30 Boeing Co. 1.85 -0.38 McDonalds Corp 1.45 -0.44 Coca Cola 0.91 -0.34 Table two above show the standard deviation and average return of each of the stocks included in the U.S portfolio over the period under study (details of the calculations are found in the attached excel file). To be able to calculate the covariance between the different stocks, we need to know the correlation coefficients between the different stocks. We use the correlation function in Excel to calculate the correlation coefficient between the different stocks. Doing this we obtain the following correlation matrix for the different stocks: Table 2: Correlation matrix (U.S Portfolio) Citigroup Inc. American Express Motorola Inc Boeing Co. McDonalds Corp Coca Cola Citi Group Inc. 1.00 0.90 0.54 0.74 0.78 0.25 American Express 0.90 1.00 0.64 0.78 0.87 0.34 Motorola Inc 0.54 0.64 1.00 0.37 0.53 0.23 Boeing Co. 0.74 0.78 0.37 1.00 0.72 0.16 McDonalds Corp 0.78 0.87 0.53 0.72 1.00 0.31 Coca Cola Co. 0.25 0.34 0.23 0.16 0.31 1.00 To obtain the covariance matrix we use the following formula formula to calculate the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Jacksonian Age women's reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Jacksonian Age women's reform - Essay Example These reform movements were known as ante-bellum reform movements. According to Cheathem (2008), the Jacksonian age was a period of democratic progress and increasing egalitarianism for men but one of regression and repression for women. The age characterized a male defined society and on the basis of equality; feminism characterized it as well as a struggle for female autonomy and self determination. Women were mainly seen as breeders and child bearers. The temperance movement called for restriction and outright prohibition of alcohol consumption due to its strong religious elements. Cheathem (2008) says that the apex of the ante-bellum reforms movement during the Jacksonian period was the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848 which women listed the grievances that American women had against institutions that were male dominated and included lack of female suffrage. On female health, most medics did not have a respect for women’s bodily autonomy and many hysterectomies performed in the United States were medically unnecessary. Personal care becam e aggressively politicized and the politics of medicine became intensely personal. Doctors and scientists defined women’s nature in terms of their reproductive system and were seen as virtually pathological, causing a long list of emotional, mental and bodily complications (Cheathem, 2008). Female patients that suffered from mental health were treated by hydropathy; dumping cold water on patients and immersing them in icy pools. The Jacksonian era showed the ideologies of how the woman’s place was in the home. Edward Clarke, a Boston based doctor in 1874 warned society against letting young women pursue too demanding an education (Cheathem, 2008). Other arguments combined with religious authority, etiquette instruction and legal restrictions to declare women unsuited for the public sphere of politics, business and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Literary Critique Of Wise Blood English Literature Essay

Literary Critique Of Wise Blood English Literature Essay Flannery OConnor is known for her southern stories that explore the psychological and spiritual landscapes of the human soul (Meyer 363) as well as for her creation of characters that are alternately absurdly comic and tragic (366). Wise Blood, her first novel, demonstrates her artistic ability as a writer. In this novel, Flannery OConnor uses vivid descriptions, mimicry, and shocking violence to captivate her readers. Wise Blood is Flannery OConnors first novel. This novel follows the stories of two main characters, Hazel Motes and Enoch Emery. Hazel Motes is a preacher unlike the rest. He creates The Church Without Christ. He is on a quest to prove to himself and others that Jesus does not exist. Enoch Emery is an eighteen year old in search of success. He is also on a quest to follow his instincts which he terms Wise Blood. Both these characters come to shocking ends in the story. One technique that OConnor uses very well in this novel is vivid descriptions. For example, she describes Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock as a fat woman with pink collars and cuffs and pear-shaped legs that slanted off the train seat and didnt reach the floor (OConnor 3). OConnor presents a very vivid image of Mrs. Wally Bee Hitchcock in this sentence. The word fat can be opaque, including a variety of shapes. By using the imagery of a pear and the space between her legs and the floor, OConnor gives readers a clear and interesting image of the character. Another example of this excellent use of description is found in Hazel Motes imagination. He saw Jesus move from tree to tree in the back of his mind, a wild ragged figure motioning to him to turn around and come off into the dark where he was not sure of his footing, where he might be walking on the water and not know it and then suddenly know it and drown. (11). The image of Jesus as a wild man deep in the dark of a jungle trapping Hazel Motes into drowning shows that Hazel Motes feels at a great distance from Jesus, and that he is also afraid of Jesus and the unknown. This imagery gives readers an interesting and clear insight into Hazel Motes mind. OConnor also uses animal imagery throughout the novel. An example of this occurs when Hazel Motes sits down in a dining cart with three youngish women dressed like parrots. Their hands were resting on the table, red-speared at the tips (7). From this image the reader can determine that the women are wearing very colorful clothing accentuated by red nail polish on their fingers. The waiter is also described with animal imagery. He had greased black hair and a greased black look to his suit. He moved like a crow, darting from table to table (6). This presents a vivid image of the characters look and movement. Another excellent use of animal imagery is the description of Hazel Motes. He had a nose like a shrikes bill and a long vertical crease on either side of his mouth; His hair looked as if it had been permanently flattened under the heavy hat (3-4). Not only does this description convey to the reader Hazel Motes birdlike looks, it also works on a deeper level. Hazel Motes tries empty humans of their consciences (93-95), just as a shrike impales its victims. This image gives readers a detailed physical description of Hazel Motes while also giving insight into his personality. Again, OConnor uses this twofold animal imagery when describing Hazel Motes grandfather. His grandfather had been a circuit preacher, a waspish old man who had ridden over three countries with Jesus hidden in his head like a stinger (9-10). This description conveys the image of a severe looking man. It also indicates that Hazel Motes grandfather used Jesus as a weapon against people, just as a wasp uses its stinger as a weapon. Another example of OConnors use of twofold animal imagery is the character of Enoch Emery. He looked like a friendly hound dog with light mange (23). This imagery tells the reader that Enoch Emery is an amiable boy with an unkempt appearance. It also indicates that he follows his instincts rather than making choices based on rationality. Enoch Emory follows his wise blood (44) and allows it to rule his decisions, just as a hound dog follows the scent of the hunted. While OConnor makes great use of vivid descriptions, one of the more intriguing aspects of her novel is the use of mimicry. One example of this mimicry is Hazel Motes and his church. Hazel Motes mimics his grandfather and other evangelical preachers. Hazel Motes grandfather had a particular disrespect for him because his own face was repeated almost exactly in the childs and seemed to mock him (11). Not only does Hazel Motes look just like his grandfather, he preaches from the hood of his car (58), just like his grandfather did (10). Hazel Motes church, The Church Without Christ (58), preaches salvation without Jesus. In this way it mimics the churches of the evangelical preachers that preach that Jesus is the key to salvation. OConnor further develops this mimicry in a comical way through the characters of Hoover Shoats and Solace Layfield. Hoover Shoats tries to take over the Church Without Christ for monetary gain. He changes the name of the church to the Holy Church of Christ Without Christ. He also hires Solace Layfield as the True Prophet (94). Solace Layfield looks just like Hazel Motes, wears similar clothes, and drives a similar car (94). In this way, the Holy Church of Christ without Christ and Solace Layfield are a mimicry of Hazel Motes and the Church Without Christ. Another intriguing example of OConnors use of mimicry is the mummy. The mummy becomes the new Jesus for the Church Without Christ. Hazel Motes tells the people that his church needs a new Jesus. He tells them that it needs one thats all man, without blood to waste, and it needs one that dont look like any other man (80). Enoch Emery then steals the mummy from the museum to give to Hazel Motes as the new Jesus (97). The mummy was naked and a dried yellow color and his eyes were drawn almost shut as if a giant block of steel were falling down on top of him (56). As the new Jesus for Hazel Motes mock church, the shriveled up mummy mimics the resurrected Christ. This mimicry of Jesus is further developed in the portrayal of Sabbath Lily Hawks. Although the name Lily suggests purity, Sabbath Lily Hawks seduces Hazel Motes (10-11). When Enoch brings the mummy to Hazel Motes house, Sabbath Lily Hawks answers the door, takes the mummy, and cradles it. Her hands grew accustomed to the feel of his skin. Some of his hair had come undone and she brushed it back where it belonged, holding him in the crook of her arm and looking down into his squinched face. His mouth had been knocked a little to one side so that there was just a trace of a grin covering his terrified look. She began to rock him a little in her arm and a slight reflection of that same grin appeared on her own face (104). As Sabbath Lily Hawks holds and rocks the mummy, she mimics the Virgin Mary holding Jesus. These instances of inverse mimicry are both comical and grotesque and further absorb readers in the novel. While OConnors use of vivid descriptions and mimicry are intriguing, her use of violence to captivate readers is the most effective technique. When Enoch Emery takes Hazel Motes to see the mummy, he becomes so frightened that he forgets the address to Asa Hawks house. Hazel Motes throws a rock at him because of this. Enoch Emery turned his head and saw a drop of blood on the ground and as he looked at it, he thought it widened like a little spring. He sat straight up, frozen-skinned, and put his finger in it, and very faintly he could hear his blood beating, his secret bloodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Then he knew whatever was expected of him was only just the beginning (57). This violence is unexpected and effectively grabs the readers attention. This violent scene is also used as foreshadowing to further absorb readers into the novel. Another example of OConnors effective use of violence is when Hazel Motes murders Solace Layfield. Hazel Motes runs over Solace Layfield with his car. He then drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it. He backed it over the bodyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦A lot of blood was coming out of him and forming a puddle around his head (115). This instance of shocking violence is riveting and also gives the reader further insight into the character of Hazel Motes. Hazel Motes murders Solace Layfield in a final attempt to kill his own conscience. The fact that Solace Layfield is also a mimic of Hazel Motes emphasizes the fact that Hazel Motes is attempting to kill a part of himself, namely his conscience. Wise blood is filled with vivid descriptions, intriguing mimicry, and startling violence which effectively keeps readers absorbed in the novel. This novel certainly conveys Flannery OConnors ability to write artistically and effectively. For this reason, readers will certainly be drawn to read her other works.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Beach Burial Essay -- English Literature

Beach Burial Beach Burial says only that men die and are buried. Is this a fair evaluation of the poem? Beach Burial is a poem which deals with many issues, not only about men dying and being buried. This is by no means a fair evaluation of the poem. The poem in actual fact deals with the problems in war, and it encases a hidden meaning, which is equality. This poem dwells heavily on the problems in war. It describes how high the death toll is for both sides. Slessor uses â€Å"convoys of dead sailors† to show that all these dead body’s are very much alike, with their movements and feelings being the same. It also outlines a major problem in war, being able to identify and bury they dead properly. "And each cross, the driven stake of tide-wood, bears the last signature of m...